Awaken Your Spiritual Ascension through connections with Angels, Passed Loved Ones, Spiritual Guides and Help Heal this Hurting world
Hello, I’m Andie Mashburn,
Ascension is upon us and we are all in this together.
I’m a Spiritual Intuitive Counselor, Master Trance Channel Medium, Spiritual Medium, Usui Reiki Master & Teacher, Holy Fire Reiki Master, Liquid Reiki Sound Healer, Certified Light Language Healer and numerologist. I also do Chakra and Auric Field Cleansing, Past Life Regression sessions and have been needed as a Sensitive used for Ghost investigations & house clearings and blessings, plus I read Tarot and Oracle cards.
I was blessed with gifts at a very young age that I have fine-tuned throughout my life with the help of many well-known psychics, authors and intuitive mediums. I have only wanted to help people that could not connect in the ways I do and I am so proud to embrace it all in my life. I want to help you find your light path and the answers you need clarity to. I also teach classes to connect to the vibrations that are within our grasp that we may never thought we could learn. Group sessions are available as well.

Do you feel like this?
🔮 Are you awaken at night and see consistent numbers (ex:3:33, 1234, 1122)
🔮Feel your guardian angels are trying to protect you from something
🔮 Need to hear from a passed loved one to see if they have a message for you?
🔮 Want to know what to do or possibly a “past, present, future” situation
🔮Understand what your life path is or guidance to get on that correct path
🔮Have an attachment or entity cleared from you or your auric field
🔮Be realigned to mother earth up to the universe above
Then you have landed in the right place
I offer Reiki Healings, Trance Channeled Messages, Chakra & Auric Cleansing, Past Life Regression, Intuitive Counseling and Spiritual Advising, Awakening Sessions, House Clearings/Blessings, Group Channeling Sessions, free Facebook Group Awaken and Heal with Andie Mashburn or a monthly paid Facebook Group called VIP Ascended, Awaken and Healed where you receive so many perks throughout the month.
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What others are saying
“I had the pleasure of meeting Andie Mashburn during spirit circle zoom call through Heather Corbet’s VIP group last August 2020 for as I witnessed her awareness of me being apart of the starseeds galactics and her providing a light language download for me during our open circle, I felt an instant connection .
In the October 2020 I decided to go to Heather’s Colorado retreat and had a profound experience during a meditation that we would be meeting our guides in a higher dimension and when AA Gabriel showed up stating I would be a messenger for GOD and reminded me of the dream where we first met when I was 7 yrs old when I wrote a letter and out under my pillow asking to meet Jesus as he was signing people into the kingdom of GOD at the pearly “ see through” golden gates in front in the right side behind a podium and there was miles and miles of people from all walks of life behind me as the gate was locked then.
Well during the Colorado retreat meditation GOD showed up along with my other guides and took me into higher portal dimensions above to see many different beings hard at work and preparing something for all of us ( like Santa’s workshop in the North Pole , lol) ... that’s when this golden huge Angel came into the scene and I said you look familiar to me and that’s when he reminded me of my dream and said he was AA Gabriel and told me I’m to be a messenger.
Ofcourse at first I was like umm mmmkay ... like that’s only my ego playing tricks on me right now ....there’s no way I can be a messenger, who am I .... a nobody ? This can’t be right , people are going to think I’m crazy, LOL!
The very next morning was absolutely without any doubts on a deep soul level was extremely and prophetically profound for me !!! As a gift Andie provided to Heather’s group of retreaters pre- recorded personal transcendental channeled messages to each of us not knowing who the messages would be for. During the retreat Heather had us all pick a random number to listen to our message that Andie recorded for us.
I choose #3 and there was Andie on a you tube video who began the channel message for my number . I had no idea what to expect or who would show up . As I began to listen ...It started out with.....
“ You know me quite well, for I am Gabriel, I am the messenger of GOD, ( I started balling my eyes out) , yet I am the messenger of so many things. But I want you to know that you have the gifts as well. You have so longed wished for these gifts as well and they are coming to fruition m. Do not be afraid of speaking your mind or your truth. For a messenger must speak. For I want to bless you in so many ways fir actually stepping into the role of being a messenger. It is not an easy task because sometimes the news is good and sometimes it is easy and sometimes it is so hard and hurtful , it brings tears and sorrows . That I am starting my journey at this point in time and will feel knots in my shoulder blades and that I am sprouting my wings and will take time to grow and will have many lifetimes to grow them to AA’s abundance but know this time starts now and a matter of keeping my throat chakra open, blessed and cleared. That is what a messenger of GOD does and I can’t hold back the messages that come through as it can change the course of someone’s life to shorten or lengthen a lesson of time within the earth. That I don’t know how special I am and that’s it’s ok to cry about this as AA Gabriel didn’t take it easy at first as well but was honored and kneeled before GoD and accepted this role proudly as I can too. The messages I’ll give will be spiritual reality for different people and that I will adjust the way I speak to them in order for them to receive the message so they can understand. Fear NOT for it will come to me easily . In conclusion I leave you know knowing I’ve given you the message and the buds of angelic messages are to come and AA Gabriel is proud of me and to take forth.”
In conclusion, I am forever humbled and grateful for spirit leading me to Andie and the messages she delivered to me so that I may never doubt myself again and believe what my role is during this life journey and as scary as it might be to be vulnerable, to be fearless , to take my hand off the wheel and trust what will take place. I kneel at the foot of GOD too saying ThankYou for this opportunity to serve . 💗💚🙌✨🙏😇
ThankYou for your wisdom , your prayers and for being a light warrior messenger throughout space and time. If you have any reservations about yourself I ask you to please get in touch with Andie and expand and awaken your consciousness in this NOW moment. We are ONE! Much love and light work is still needed to be done . We must ACT now with compassion and grace for all sentient beings for our heaven on earth to began. ThankYou , I love you Andie!!💗😇⬆️🕉☮️
Message delivered 🙏😇🌷